Roof Insulation

There are many questions you need to ask yourself first but for starters, here are some:

Is my roofing support structure still stable? Is my roofing support adequate to carry the additional load my roofing insulation weighs?

Are there molds forming? Are there any leak marks or water stains that may indicate a leak or moisture problem?

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If there are structural and leak problems, have it fixed first before you consider installing the insulation material.

R-Value Consideration 

R-Value is used as a measurement of how effectively the thermal insulation material resists thermal movement. The higher the R-value, the more insulation the material provides. 

R-value is measured by the type of insulation, the thickness, and its density. Insulation materials have different values even if they have the same thickness due to their density, so better check the specification of your material before installation. 

In planning your desired R-Value, you can check your local building or energy code requirement as it may differ depending on your area.

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Choosing your Insulation Material

Now that you have an idea with the minimum R-value required in your area, you may now consult with different suppliers of insulation materials that are suitable for your roofing system. 

There are many types of insulation materials such as Spray Foam Insulation, Bat and Roll Insulation, and Structural Insulated Panels which give different advantages on top of each other. 

Roof insulation method to prevent heat penetration from the outside environment to inside of the building. The method provides temperature stability and prevents unwanted noise penetration. 

The importance of thermal insulation has increased recently mainly due to changing insulation standards worldwide, which put higher demands on the thermal resistance of building structures to reduce energy loss for heating or cooling. 

Insulation materials should have not only high thermal characteristics but also sufficient mechanical properties to be able to withstand loads. Wise insulation choices result in successful roof systems that perform over the long term, while poor choices can be detrimental to roof performance.

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Reducing energy costs is one of the top reasons for reassessing the insulation in buildings. Whether building a new home, or renovating your current one, the selection of your insulation system warrants some serious attention. 

Adding insulation can offer you a lifetime of energy savings while improving the energy efficiency and comfort to your home. It provides several advantages.

  • Provides high thermal performance
  • Gives good mechanical strength
  • It is resistant to solar radiation
  • Act as a barrier for air, wind, and moisture
  • Prevent vapor transmission by applying exterior and interior insulation
  • Lessens your carbon footprint
  • Prevents the growth of molds
  • Types of Roof Insulation

Blanket Insulation or Matting Insulation – comes in foil-backed rolls or rafters, and are held in place using timber battens between the rafters or joists. This is made of glass wool or mineral but sometimes these are also made from plastic fibers and natural fibers.


Swadley Roof Systems offers the best roofing services in the Houston, Austin, San Antonio and Dallas area.